Father Kevin Michael Laughery
Updated Sunday, July 5, 2020

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Classes of holy men and women:

& co.--and companions; ab--abbot; ap--apostle; Bl--Blessed; bp--bishop; ca--catechist; d--deacon; dr--doctor; ev--evangelist; h--hermit; mm--married man; ms--missionary; mt--martyr; mw--married woman; p--priest; pp--pope; r--religious; rf--religious founder; v--virgin.

Rank of celebrations:

S--Solemnity; F--Feast; M--Obligatory Memorial. Optional memorials follow slash marks. /BVM--optional memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturdays in Ordinary Time.

Books of the Bible:

Acts--Acts of the Apostles; Am--Amos; Bar--Baruch; 1 Chr--1 Chronicles; 2 Chr--2 Chronicles; Col--Colossians; 1 Cor--1 Corinthians; 2 Cor--2 Corinthians; Dn--Daniel; Dt--Deuteronomy; Eccl--Ecclesiastes; Eph--Ephesians; Est--Esther; Ex--Exodus; Ez--Ezekiel; Ezr--Ezra; Gal--Galatians; Gn--Genesis; Hb--Habakkuk; Heb--Hebrews; Hg--Haggai; Hos--Hosea; Is--Isaiah; Jas--James; Jb--Job; Jdt--Judith; Jer--Jeremiah; Jgs--Judges; Jl--Joel; Jn--John; 1 Jn--1 John; 2 Jn--2 John; 3 Jn--3 John; Jon--Jonah; Jos--Joshua; Jude--Jude; 1 Kgs--1 Kings; 2 Kgs--2 Kings; Lam--Lamentations; Lk--Luke; Lv--Leviticus; Mal--Malachi; 1 Mc--1 Maccabees; 2 Mc--2 Maccabees; Mi--Micah; Mk--Mark; Mt--Matthew; Na--Nahum; Neh--Nehemiah; Nm--Numbers; Ob--Obadiah; Phil--Philippians; Phlm--Philemon; Prv--Proverbs; Ps(s)--Psalms; 1 Pt--1 Peter; 2 Pt--2 Peter; Rom--Romans; Ru--Ruth; Rv--Revelation; Sir--Sirach; 1 Sm--1 Samuel; 2 Sm--2 Samuel; Song (Sg)--Song of Songs; Tb--Tobit; 1 Thes--1 Thessalonians; 2 Thes--2 Thessalonians; Ti--Titus; 1 Tm--1 Timothy; 2 Tm--2 Timothy; Wis--Wisdom; Zec--Zechariah; Zep--Zephaniah

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Father Kevin Michael Laughery